This is a rare UNWORN original tunic, a so called Reichsfinanz Verwaltung (RFV) Bergrock “M36” tunic, intended for Bergzoll (mountain customs).
According to a topic on the WAF collectorsforum (see link here: these
“Zoll troops went after partisans in mountain regions! (and heavily armed too!)” and
“Zoll (customs) branch was actively hunting partisans and even had Osttruppen in their ranks as “Hiflszoll” auxiliaries (from the Baltics and Turkistan even!). Not just admin pencil pushers and static border guards, many were trained mountaineers and on the move patrolling”
Both above quotes taken from WAF to illustrate more of the backgrpund of the men that wore these tunics.
By maker/tailor Schroedter & Co Berlin. Six buttons on the front.
It has inside the pocket a 1942 dated name tag (not filled in obviously) and is executed in nice standart combat field grey and with a bandagage pocket inside. With Gebirgsjaeger collar “Gebirgsrock style” closure tab on the inside of the collar and green piping on the front.
Inside one of the pockets i found the original paper label by maker Schroedter & Co. on which is literally written that this is a Bergrock and contains the sizes.
In very good condition. This is a quite obscure tunic from a by many collectors unknown Third Reich branch. The uniform is without insigna as it is unworn and which can also be evidenced by the paper label that was still in the pocket.
Ps: i added a few black and white pictures from the WAF topic, credit goes to the owners. Of course these are just images to illustrate the tunics in wear. These photos are obviously not included in the sale of the tunic.