This is a large Sachsen-Altenburg large medalbar with:
- Iron Cross second class
- EK2
- Sachsen-Altenburg Tapferkeitsmedaille
- Kampfabzeichen der Ehrenlegion with Schwert-bandspange
- Kriegsdenkmünze Kyffhäuserbund
- Preussen Regiments Erinnerungskreuz
- Austria Ehrenlegion kreuz “pro patria with swords
- Austria-Hunfaria Kriegserinnerungsmedaille
On the back is a makerslabel by maker J. Reimann from Berlin.
This exact here for sale medalbar was part of the Exhibition of the “Ausstellng der Ehrenzeichen des Hertogstums Sachsen-Altenburg – Decorationen des Herzogliches Schsen Ernestinischen Hausordens 1814 – 1918, which took place from 8 September 2002 toll 2 february 2003 in the Schloss- und Spielkartenmuseum in Altenburg.
Rare and in excellent condition. Very robust and tight together, this is a large and beautifll medalbar.
With (for what is is worth) an old experstise from collegue medaldealer Militariaversandhandel Philipp.