This is a unique Ehrenpreis given by Gauleiter (nazi Regional Leader) und Reichsstatthalter (nazi governor) Martin Mutschmann from Sachsen.
Given in 1940 for the Wettkampfschiessen competition of the N.S. Reichskriegerbundes-Gaukriegerverband Elbe.
Martin Mutschmann is known for his political activity concentrated on Saxony rather than on Germany as a whole. Mutschmann was passionately interested in the preservation of Saxon arts and crafts.
On 1 May 1945, Mutschmann was in Dresden. As the Gauleiter of Saxony, he insisted that the city go into public mourning after the suicide of German dictator Hitler on 30 April 1945. On 7 May 1945 Mutschmann was captured by Soviet troops while trying to escape.
Mutschmann was sentenced to death in Moscow and shot on February 14, 1947
The here offered large plate has a diameter of 31 centimeter and is in absolute MINT condition! It is made of first quality Meissen porcelain and handpainted by a master painter, the quality and dept of the painted flowers is amazing..
The design with colorfull flowers on the front is very skillfully and colourfull. It is easy to see why Mutschmann who was into arts and cultural preservation gave this typical plate for a military themed competition. This plate is o much more “art” than any military object could display. Here we aso see the thin line between museum quality items and art objects, easily this plate falls into both categories.
This is a unique object that could be the centrepiece of any collection or museumdisplay.
Rare is an easy understatement, this is of the utmost rarity!!!!!!